Schule für Craniosacral-Therapie
Termine in Berlin
Craniosacral Biodynamics - The Three Bodies, Primary Respiration and Healing Processes
Dozent(en): Michael Kern DO, BCST, ND
Preis: € 550,-
Datum: 29.10. - 2.11.25
Zeit: Mi.-Sa. 10-18.30 Uhr, So. 9.30-17.30 Uhr
Weitere Termine
Craniosacral Biodynamics - The long Tide, the Primal and Fluid Midlines
Ort: Berlin
Dozent(en): Tanya Desfontaines
Preis: € 550,-
Termin bitte erfragen!
Craniosacral Biodynamics
Both seminars include meditations, lecture, power point images, demonstrations and practical exercises, exchange sessions and group sharing.
Craniosacral Biodynamics I
Deepening into Biodynamics, The 3 Bodies, Primary Respiration and Healing Processes
- Basic needs of Being and the Relational Field
- Heart Centred Holding; Unconditional Acceptance at a Being level
- The 2 settlings; Relational field and Holistic Shift
- Orientation to Health; Resourcing
- Three functions of Potency
- Mid-Tide Healing Dynamics; Dr Becker’s 3 Stage Awareness
- Long Tide as Ground of session work and initiator of Healing Processes
- Dynamic Stillness; The Ground of Emergence
- Biodynamic orientation to session work
- Basic resourcing and verbal skills
- The Inherent Treatment Plan
- Basic biodynamic concepts
- The Breath of Life
- Dynamic Stillness
- Primary Respiration
- The three bodies
- Levels of Perception
- Mid Tide
- Long Tide
Craniosacral Biodynamics II
The Long Tide, Bioelectric Ordering Field and The Primal and Fluid Midlines
The Fluid Body and Fluid Midline; Holistic Shift as a return to the fluid embryo state
Augmentation of potency within the fluid midline via inhalation stillpoint
Review: The 3 functions of potency, ITP and Dr. Becker’s 3 healing stages, SOB as a gateway to the healing function of potency
- Fulcrums:
- Automatic shifting/natural midline fulcrums
- Inertial fulcrums
- ITP and Dr.B’s 3 stages
- Practical exercises to listen for fulcrums
- Augmentation of the expression of potency in space
- The Primal Midline; Early embryology and the notochord, embryo folding
- Exercise to sense primal ML from shoulders
- Working with the vertebral axis, augmentation of potency in areas of density
- The Stress Response, neck and orienting response
- The significance of the midline
- Embryonic midline development
- Biodynamic fields, formative forces and primal midline
- Basic biodynamic orientation to session work
- Basic resourcing and emotional enquiry
- ITP unfolds
- The Three Bodies
- Three Body Chi Kung
- Levels of Perception in Biodynamics
- Mid-Tide
- Long Tide
- Dr. Becker’s Three Step Healing Awareness
- Three Midlines
- Review: Stages of the Stress Response