European College for Yoga and Therapie – Kloster Gerode

Become a Benefit Yoga® Teacher

Intertraditional Yoga Teacher Education at the European College for Yoga and Therapy ECYT


Learn to understand life in its diversity as your personal chance to inner development.

Enhance your joy of life – study Benefit Yoga® at ECYT!


Do you wish to deepen your experience with Yoga and to practise and study with like minded practitioners on a regular basis? Then you are very welcome to join the Benefit Yoga® Teacher Education at the European College for Yoga and Therapy.

This Education also serves as a valuable personal study, strengthening and rejuvenating body and mind for people who may not want to teach Yoga.

Next Teacher Education starting October 1 - 5, 2025

Important questions for you are:

  • What personal aims do you have?
  • Why do you want to practise Yoga?
  • What do you want to achieve through Yoga?

The more challenging your aim in Yoga the more important it is to really commit to practising Yoga. Very important aspects to consider are the comprehensive teaching and being supported by experienced and highly qualified teachers.

If you wish for more information, please call us.

Please ask for detailed information material.


The  4 ½ Year Benefit Yoga® Teacher Education at ECYT offers:

  • a well founded teaching in all aspects of Yoga
  • with the main focus on Yoga for Health and Healing
  • a deepening of your personal Yoga practise
  • raising your awareness by applying mindfulness
  • personal growth through holistic learning and practising
  • to gain the ability to teach Yoga competently to others
  • individual support and guidance

Yoga is a path of experience as well as a science. In order to be able to pass on your own experiences to others it is essential to understand your own processes. Precondition for this process is your interest in personal development and the wish to learn and teach Yoga authentically.


What is Benefit Yoga®?


Benefit Yoga® is committed to the great Yoga traditions and comtemporarily Western-oriented

It is intertraditional and offers a holistic understanding of Yoga and health. That means a balance between the inner and the outer, between self- perception and perception of others. Benefit Yoga® supports the equilibrium between instinct, emotion and intellect through practising mindfulness and self-acceptance. Important principles are self-study, mindfulness, observation of breath and an ability to distinguish between the essential and the non-essential. Central themes in Benefit Yoga®are furthermore precision in the practise, appropriateness of application and the free flow of breath. Most important is learning through one's own experience – and application in daily life.

Requirements for participation

  • minimum age 25 years
  • completed school education and a finished or still ongoing professional education
  • own Yoga experience during 3 years under supervision of a professional Yoga teacher or taking part in the one year ongoing group at Kloster Gerode: Introduction to Benefit Yoga® (exceptions in agreement with the head of education)
  • taking part in at least one Yoga seminar at Kloster Gerode
  • personal interview clarifying interest and aims

Benefit Yoga® Teacher signifies a qualification of 4 ½ years of holistic study to become a Yoga teacher. The addition EUYT stands for recognition through the European Union for Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists and includes a representative of EUYT taking part in the final examinations at the European College for Yoga and Therapy.


Possibilities of sponsorship

In Germany there is a possibility for sponsorship through an Education Premium (Bildungsprämie). Please ask for further information.